Mid-back stiffness is something that’s incredibly common in today’s day and age and is most likely due to how sedentary many of us are for a large part of our day. Most of us work desk jobs where...
The Missing Step In Low Back Pain Rehab For Lifters
Low back pain is one of the most common injuries for lifters, so chances are that if you’ve been lifting for long enough, you’ve either experienced this type of injury yourself, or you may...
3 Drills For Hip Pinching With Squats
An annoying or painful pinching feeling in the front of the hip when squatting is a common complaint that many people see us for. This pinching can range from a minor annoyance to a severe issue,...
The Number 1 Mistake Runners Make With Their Strength Training
We all know that runners should be doing some strength training to complement their running training since it can improve running performance and reduce injury risk. However, there's one glaring...
What Is Performance Physical Therapy?
Barbell Physical Therapy and Performance is a performance physical therapy clinic that was founded in response to the typical downfalls that lifters and athletes often find in traditional physical...
How To Stay Injury-Free During The 2024 Crossfit Open
As the 2024 CrossFit Open hurtles towards us like a rogue wall ball, athletes are gearing up to push their physical limits and showcase their strength, agility, and endurance. However, the intensity...
How Can I Deadlift With Low Back Pain?
Dealing with low back pain can be a challenging experience, especially for those who are passionate about staying active and fit. Many of our clients have found themselves wondering things like if...
How to Fix Tight Hamstrings
If you’ve ever found yourself dealing with nagging hamstring tightness that simply won’t go away, you’re not alone! So today, we’re going to cover a few of our favorite strategies that we use to...
Is It Ok To Have Pain When Training
As physical therapists who work primarily with lifters, runners, and athletes of all kinds, one of the most common questions that we get asked is “is it ok to have pain when I’m training?” It’s easy...
Is Your Posture Causing Your Pain?
We’ve all been told at some point that we need to “sit up straight,” and use “correct posture” at all times.But, the long-held belief that poor posture leads to pain and disability needs updating....
Tempo Training: The Secret to Pain-Free Lifting
One of our favorite strategies to help our clients continue lifting and doing the exercises theylove (like squats, deadlifts, bench press, cleans etc) WHILE going through the rehab process istempo...