Best Low Back Pain Stretches When it comes to low back pain, disc bulges, disc herniations, or sciatica, there isn’t any “1 magic trick” that will solve these issues for everybody (even if we would...
Why Does My Knee Hurt During Crossfit?
Why Does My Knee Hurt During Crossfit? If you’re like many of our clients, you may have joined a Crossfit gym to improve your overall health and fitness (or you may be a member that has been going...
#1 Ankle Mobility Exercise to Improve Squat Depth
#1 Ankle Mobility Exercise To Improve Squat Depth Today we are going to be teaching you one of our absolute favorite drills to improve ankle strength and flexibility for squatting. In general, the...
Do I Have To Do Rotator Cuff Exercises To Fix My Shoulder Pain?
Do I HAVE To Do Rotator Cuff Exercises For My Shoulder Pain? Today we’re going to cover the question of “do I need to do rotator cuff exercises to solve my shoulder pain?” Shoulder pain is an...
The 3 Most Common Mistakes When Dealing With Low Back Pain
The 3 Most Common Mistakes When Dealing With Low Back Pain Low back pain is not only one of the most common injuries for lifters and athletes, it’s also one of the most common injuries or issues for...
The 3 Best Exercises To Solve Tight Lats
Lat tightness can make it harder to achieve efficient positions in lifts like the overhead press, push press, jerk, and even in the front rack during front squats. So if you struggle with any of...
Top 3 Tips For Shoulder Pain While Benching
Shoulder pain while benching is a very common complaint that many of our clients have dealt with, so today we’re going to share our top 3 tips to solve shoulder pain while benching! Reduce The Range...
3 Easy Tips For Pain With Running
It’s that time of year again when the weather is starting to get nicer and you want to spend more time outside, both relaxing and exercising! As summer begins to loom closer, many people either...
Shoulder Pain and Crossfit
Shoulder pain is one of the most common complaints/injuries in the Crossfit community. This isn’t because Crossfit is bad or inherently dangerous, but rather, it’s probably more due to the fact that...
4 Tips For Squatting With Knee Pain
The squat is one of the best and most rewarding exercises that we can do in the gym. However, when we’re dealing with knee pain, sometimes squatting can seem like the worst thing to do! Luckily,...