Imagine what it’s like to be a lifter or athlete that gets injured and goes to see a physical therapist hoping to solve their pain and get back to training…only to not see any results. This is a...
Is Core Stability The Key To Low Back Pain?
If you’ve ever searched the internet or social media for what to do to solve a bout of low back pain, you’ve undoubtedly come across tons of content that says you need to improve your core stability...
Lumbar Flexion While Lifting
“Don’t round your back when you lift” is a piece of advice that is almost universal in gyms and physical therapy clinics throughout the world. In fact, this piece of advice is so common that it has...
3 Bench Press Variations For Lifters With Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain with benching is one of the most common injuries that we hear lifters and gym-goers talk about (possibly because it’s the only lift that has a “day” for it…Monday is Universal Bench...
What NOT To Do When You Get Injured
When you suffer an injury in the gym, knowing what to do and what not to do can set you up for success and help you recover faster and get back to lifting and training the way you want. People are...
How To Conquer The 2022 Crossfit Open
The 2022 Crossfit Open is fast approaching, with the first workout happening in just a few short weeks on February 24th! If you’re looking to give your best performance ever, you’ll want to make...
What You Actually Need To Do To Improve Your Flexibility
You’ve been lifting for a while now but find yourself struggling to get into good positions during a certain lift, whether that be squatting, cleans, snatches, overhead press, deadlifts, or any...
“Just Rest It” Probably Isn’t The Answer
Does this situation sound familiar: You’ve been consistent with your training, hitting the gym hard multiple times per week for the last few months. You’re building up your strength and just overall...
How To Solve Knee Tendinitis
There are few things as annoying as being midway through your squat workout only to be sidelined by knee pain. Unfortunately, knee pain is a very common issue that lifters and athletes deal with, so...
The 3 Steps To Solve Low Back Pain And Get Back Into The Gym
Low back pain is one of the most frustrating, but also most common, things that people have to deal with. In fact, most of us will experience a bout of low back pain at some point in our lives!...