Why North Haven Runners Need Physical Therapy

Why North Haven Runners Need Physical Therapy

April 21, 2023

If you’re an avid North Haven runner, you’re probably lacing up your sneakers and ramping up your running now that Spring has officially sprung. But before you go from couch potato to marathon runner, let’s talk about the importance of physical therapy.

One of the main reasons runners need physical therapy is to prevent injury.

You see, ramping up your running training and volume too quickly can leave you feeling like a potato with a side of soreness. But with physical therapy, you can prevent overuse injuries like shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and IT band syndrome. A physical therapist can create a personalized training plan that gradually builds strength and endurance, so you can avoid overexertion and injuries.

Another reason runners need physical therapy is to address existing injuries.

And if you’re already dealing with an injury, physical therapy can help you recover more quickly and safely return to running. A physical therapist can evaluate the cause of your injury and create a customized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs, including manual therapy, exercises to improve range of motion or strength, and other techniques to reduce pain and inflammation.

So, whether you’re looking to prevent injuries or recover from them, physical therapy can be an essential resource for you. By working with a physical therapist, you can develop a training plan that gradually builds strength and endurance while avoiding injuries. And if an injury does occur, a physical therapist can help you recover more quickly and return to running safely.

So, let’s lace up those sneakers and put our best foot forward this spring! And if you need a little extra support, click the button below to request a free phone consult with one of our expert physical therapists!

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